Personal Accident Insurance

Personal Accident Insurance


This policy offers compensation in case of death or bodily injury to the insured person, directly and solely as a result of an accident, by external, visible and violent means.

The policy operates worldwide and is a 24 hours cover.

Different coverages are available ranging from a restricted cover of Death only, to a comprehensive cover covering death, permanent disablements and temporary total disablements.

Group personal accident policies are also available for specified groups with a discount in premium depending upon the size of the group.


This policy is not made only for individual but it adequately covers family too (if opted).This includes spouse and childrens.

Compensation is payable for bodily injury or accidental death. It also covers medical cost  as an add- on cover

Who can take the policy?

Any adult residing in Trinidad & Tobago can take the policy covering himself / herself and dependent family members between the ages of 5 and 65yrs.

How to claim?

In the event of an accident giving rise to a claim the following steps should be taken:-

In case of death claim:-

  1. Assignee under the policy should immediately notify the policy issuing office.
  2. Submit the claim form alongwith death certificate, post mortem report, police report and original policy.

In case of injury claim:-

  1. Notify the policy issuing office immediately.
  2. Submit Police report if any.
  3. Submit claim form alongwith medical certificate certifying the disablement.
  4. In case medical expenses extension has been taken, then the prescription alongwith bills are to be submitted.

Design: Chrisan Ltd.