Workmen’s Compensation – Liability

Workmen’s Compensation – Liability


The policy covers statutory liability of an employer for the death of or bodily injuries or occupational diseases sustained by the workmen arising out of and in course of employment.

Who can be Insured?

Any employer whether as a Principal or contractor engaging “workmen” as defined in WC Act to cover his liability to them under statute and at common law.


  1. To pay all sums which the insured is legally liable to pay the employees in respect of personal injury by accident or diseases ‘arising out of and in the course of the employment’
  2. Insured’s liability arising either under common law
  3. Costs or expenses incurred by the insured with the consent of the company, to defend any claims are paid in addition.


  1. Any injury by accident or disease directly attributable to war and nuclear risk
  2. Insured’s liability to employees of contactors to the insured
  3. Any liability of the insured which attaches by virtue of an agreement.

Design: Chrisan Ltd.